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Our Vision

Build better business

Our Founders

Soo Jin and Randy's partnership goes back to 2010 when Soo Jin was Board Director and Randy was CEO of Infastech. When Soo Jin was Director at Standard Chartered Private Equity, Soo Jin led the carve out of GEC and Avdel – divisions of Acument Global Technologies (a Platinum Equity portfolio company), merged the 2 divisions to form Infastech in 2010 and, together with Randy, sold the business to Stanley, Black and Decker in 2013. 


Soo Jin and Randy Teo were appointed Principal and co-heads of Platinum Equity in Singapore in late 2013. During their tenure, Soo Jin and Randy were responsible for originations, investment executions, portfolio management and exits. Soo Jin led the execution effort while Randy was the operating partner. 

Our Team

Our Advisors

Our strong suite of global advisory ecosystem provides expertise in private equity and industries thought leadership. 


Responsible Investment

We define responsible investment as a strategy and practice to incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in our investment decisions and active ownership.

Our Responsible Investment Approach

Deal Sourcing: Identify key ESG opportunities and risks during screening and due diligence.


Investment Decision: Incorporate material ESG factors into the investment memorandum and negotiate them in the investment agreement.


Ownership: Create value by executing responsible investment objectives throughout the onboarding, engagement, and monitoring of portfolio companies.


Exit: Enhance value at exit by addressing ESG considerations effectively.

Principles for Responsible Investment

We aim to become signatories to the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment. We believe these principles and guidelines serve as valuable platforms for raising internal awareness and setting expectations for our investment partners, management teams and our other stakeholders.  

Our Responsible Investment Pillars

  1. Pre-investment screening

  2. Minimum ESG due diligence requirements

  3. ESG integration into short-term or 100-day plans (or equivalent)

  4. ESG integration into long-term value creation efforts

  5. Monitoring ESG risks, ESG opportunities, and ESG incidents

  6. ESG reporting

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